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Friday, December 21, 2012

Alvin Yang, Yuki Ng and Zoe Raymond - Not quite Part 3 but The plot thickens...

So the world hasn't ended yet...and here is an update to the Saga...

UNVERIFIED: Zoe may have made a page to apologize here :

"Dear Yuki, I am sorry things turned out this way. I made a big mistake going out with Alvin. That changed your life. But, I hope you know that with so many of your supporters attacking me, you have changed my life too. My family is just as sad & depressed, my friends are uneasy, my sponsors are cracking their heads about what to do about our collaboration, and me? I am the unlucky one. There are so many 3rd parties roaming around trying to destroy relationships and families just for the sake of it. I am NOT that. I wonder how long this saga will go on and what I should do for these miseries to go away.

So Yuki, I am sorry..."

English summary of Yuki's latest post in Chinese (Please note, it's a summary not actual translation) :

Yuki wrote an apology to Alvin's family and friends. Although, she has her reasons for creating the blog on facebook but she is still regretful about the disturbance caused to them. In time, she will reveal the reason why she made this page and she hopes they will still continue to believe that she has not changed and also, to continue to get their kind understanding.

1) Alvin left the money in their Joint-Account to her
2) Alvin's side has agreed to bear all the costs for the cancellation of the wedding
3) Alvin's family and relatives all continued to treat her well
4)Both Yuki, Alvin and their parents agreed to cancel the wedding under amicable circumstances. While they were trying to save their relationship, Alvin's parents played a big part to persuade him and also gave Yuki support and encouragement without any biasness. Alvin's sister and cousins also helped to support and encourage her. When Alvin's close friends knew that the wedding was cancelled, they sent word of condolences to Yuki (this is done without any knowledge of why the wedding was cancelled). They also took turns to accompany her through the ordeal by keeping her occupied both through online conversations, sending her helpful articles and asking her to outings.

Although Yuki did not end up together with Alvin but she is grateful for all the warmth, care and concern that were showered on her by his family and friends. With their constant encouragement and support, their presence have helped to reduce the helplessness Yuki felt and she feels that compared to all the cases that she have heard where the couple and their shared memories immediately becomes non-existent, she is already considered very fortunate. 

Original Version in Chinese (Added English Translation by Nathan below): 


很抱歉这事件对你们造成了伤害和困扰。Uncle, Aunty,我也很难过,我最担心的是你们。

Love, Yuki

(原本这封致歉信应该是 “它” 写给Alvin的家人朋友的。)

1) Alvin把我们联名户口的钱留给了我。
2) 婚礼取消后,男方有全数负责婚礼的赔偿适宜。
3) Alvin家人,亲戚对我都很好。
4) 男女双方和家长是在认知,和解,和平,友善的情况下取消婚礼。

在我们挽救这婚姻的当时,父母亲极力劝说Alvin, 给我很强力的支持和肯定,不偏袒,还分享给我很多宝贵的人生经验和夫妻相处之道,Alvin的妹妹也在我无助需要她时挺身帮忙我。Alvin的两个堂妹在婚礼取消后给于我温馨的问候。他的几名好友在收到婚礼取消通知后(但不知内情)马上送上慰问,在我情绪不稳定失眠的时候陪我聊天至天亮,上网找一些可以帮助克服伤痛的资料和网站给我,或约我出门走走。Alvin就是来自这样一个充满爱和关怀的环境,即使最后我们没能在一起,在人生最低落的时候能得到来自于Alvin家人朋友那方面的支持,鼓励和温暖, 相当的减少了我的无助感,我觉得这是他和我的福气。



Translated by Nathan:

To Alvin's family and friends,

I apologize for the pain and trouble caused. I am pretty upset as well but I'm most worried of you, Uncle and Aunty.

I'm sorry that I promised to keep a low profile when taking care of the whole incident. If you still have faith that I'm the same person as before (that I haven’t changed), please forgive and believe me that I will disclose the reason of this blog in the future.
Take care and best wishes.

Love, Yuki

(This letter should have been written by it, the 3rd party, for Alvin's family and friends)

1) Alvin left me all the money in the joint account.
2) Alvin's family took care of all the bills after the wedding was called off.
3) Alvin's family and relatives treated me really well.
4) Both families cancelled the wedding under mutual agreement, same recognitions and with peace.

When we were trying to salvage our marriage, Alvin's parents gave me all their support and recognition, they also gave Alvin constant advice without prejudice. Also they shared lots of precious life experience as well as the way of husband and wife. His sister also offered to help when I felt most lost.

Two of Alvin's cousins sent me their warmest regards straight after knowing the wedding was cancelled. After receiving the notification of cancellation of wedding, many of his good friends - though not knowing what happened - chat with me throughout the nights to help stabilise my emotion, asked me out as well as looking up on the net for information that can help ease and overcome my pain.

Alvin definitely comes from a place filled with love and care. Even though we didn't end up together, I feel blessed to have all the supports, encouragement and love from his family and friends which greatly reduce my pain during this lowest period of my life.
Often when we have heard of such incidents (cancellation of marriage, divorce), the family of the accused side would usually ignore and not show any concern for the victims. Many just part like strangers as though their paths have never crossed before.
In comparison, I am really lucky to be in a situation like this.

Related Facebook Pages to Alvin, Yuki and Zoe Raymond Third Party Saga :

And if anyone is interested... Xiaxue has also commented on this issue... 
Latest Posts -2012
Posted long time ago

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